MenCare believes men’s roles as fathers and caregivers can enable men to live more caring lives, and help achieve gender equality.

Why It Matters

Globally, men say they are doing more care work than ever before, but mothers and women are still spending more time on care than fathers and men.

We believe that true gender equality will only be reached when men are taking on their fair share of child care and domestic work.

Engaging men as involved fathers and caregivers has positive benefits for everyone. Our research shows that men’s involvement in caregiving improves men’s relationships with their partners, reduces violence against women and children, improves children’s overall health and well-being, and enhances men’s quality of life.

Our Impact

Since the global MenCare campaign launched in 2011, partners in more than 65 countries around the world have made the campaign their own.

MenCare has played a foundational role in sparking a global revolution for equitable fatherhood and caregiving. We’ve received global attention for our innovative programming, community-driven interventions, and targeted advocacy. Thanks to our partners worldwide, MenCare’s work has affected millions of individuals, families, couples, and children across the globe.

80% of men will become fathers in their lifetime, and nearly all men will have the chance to be involved in the life of a child, or to care for another person.

Men say they are doing – and want to do – more care work at home, but barriers to equal sharing remain, such as rigid gender norms and lack of paid leave.

According to our State of the World’s Fathers 2023 report, with new data from 17 countries, workplaces and politicians continue to neglect men’s caregiving. Despite many men taking on more caring responsibilities during the pandemic and more countries and companies putting in place care plans, it remains rare for men’s caregiving to be valued and supported by our social structures. This means too few boys grow up seeing men involved in care. There is an urgent need to center care in everyone’s lives and promote men’s caregiving in order to achieve care equality.






The MenCare Campaign was co-founded by Equimundo and Sonke Gender Justice. Its work is coordinated by Sonke Gender Justice in Africa, CES in Europe, and CulturaSalud in Latin America. The MenCare Campaign is convened at the global level by Equimundo.