Private Sector

OXXO is a chain of convenience stores and gas stations (OXXO Gas) aligned with the goals FEMSA has established and, since 2023, has prioritized a focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in its company strategy, implementing a DEI policy in Chile, Colombia and Perú throughout the year. OXXO works closely with local sectors and institutions to benefit vulnerable communities.

Our Commitments

How It’s Going

  • 1

    Parental leave

    Our Action: High levels of return to work after taking parental leave and high levels of being part of the OXXO team 12 month after returning to work.
  • Done
  • 2

    Family-friendly workplace practices

    Our Action: Adapted spaces in the workplace for lactating rooms, free childcare services for parents who need it, and baby product and schools kits for new parents.
  • In Progress
  • 3

    Workplace care programs with men

    Our Action: Educational programs on human dignity in Monterrey, including “Understanding unconscious biases, ”“Gender perspective,” and “Violence prevention and awareness.”
  • In Progress
  • 4

    Internal company promotion of care

    Our Action: Gender equality and early childhood development promotion on public-facing channels, such as the OXXO website and social media channels.
  • In Progress
  • 5

    Reporting on care equality

    Our Action: Sex disaggregated data on employees and indicators to track financial inclusion and parental leave in women and men.
  • In Progress
My wife has always had the same rights and benefits as my workmate’s partners. ¡Proud to work in a supportive and respectful environment!
Perla | Leader of OXXO gas station

Our Story

With a daily attendance of over 23,290 clients in the 20,742 shops in Mexico, Peru, Chile, in Colombia and in Brazil, OXXO works in the drinks, snacks, disposable products, baby products, personal and home hygiene, dairy products and groceries and products for pets sectors. OXXO Gas has over 23.498 points of sale and 555 stations around Latin America and Europe. Moreover, OXXO promotes Ethical Lines for violence reporting and assistance, works towards the financial inclusion of women through Spin by OXXO and has an inclusive focus for all staff members.

Our Initiatives:

OXXO’s commitment to gender equality is evident in several ways. Allying with multiple organizations on a national level to offer free psychological assistance for women who have undergone any type of violence, as well as creating campaigns like “Día Naranja” or “Ser mujer en Bara sí es más fácil”, OXXO engages its workforce and communities surrounding it in tackling gender based violence and promoting female leadership. In 2023 across all facilities, out of 171.846 collaborators throughout FEMSA Proximidad, with 499 men and 3.185 women having the right to parental leave, 489 men and 3.185 women made use of it. From those parents who took parental leave, 96% of men and 82% of women went back to work, and 74% of men as opposed to 58% women continued to be collaborators after 12 months after the parental leave. 3.674 employees took parental leave.

“We have just launched the OXXO Flex program, which allows early mothers to return to work with a reduced timetable, making it easier to be a mother and a professional.”
– Pamela Reyes, TI Business Process Consultant

Every 25th of every month, OXXO México does activities, presentations and learning experiences related to violence against women.

Through programs like Redondeo Clientes OXXO and Programa Promociones con Causa, OXXO works on programs that allocate money towards organizations like Casa Hogar Amigo Daniel, which offers help to children at risk and children undergoing abuse and FloreSer I.A.P. Casa Hogar para Niñas Adolescentes in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, which helps girls at risk and teenage girls victims of abuse and violence by helping them continue their education, providing therapy in a safe home. Overall, programs like Redondeo Clientes OXXO have yearly benefitted 260 organizations.

Supporting Positive Masculinity:

By organizing activities to raise awareness on violence against women, such as webinars, forums and incidence reporting, and by providing training for employees on human dignity, inclusive culture and gender equality, OXXO reaches many men and women. Another way OXXO promotes positive masculinity is with the medical services it provides. It offers training, services, consultations and awareness raising campaigns on health issues, such as HIV and syphilis detection as well as men’s and women’s health for employees. OXXO also celebrates Father’s Day through campaigns on their channels.


OXXO’s Father’s Day campaign

Measuring Gender Equality:

OXXO has sex disaggregated data about their employees on their website, and it monitors the amount of men and women who take parental leave, return to work once after taking parental leave and remain as OXXO employees 12 months after taking parental leave. From Spin by OXXO, the company applies a gender transformative lens on measuring the impact the financial inclusion OXXO shops are having on men and women in areas with access barriers. Moreover, out of 6.9 million active users of Spin by OXXO, 51% are women, helping solve one of the problems that vastly affects women.

OXXO employee in FEMSA Proximidad Sustainability Report 2022 related to contribution to SDGs 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 and 16.

Future Commitments and Initiatives:

As OXXO aligns with FEMSA’s corporate goals, it is committed to granting 100 percent of employees with access to psychosocial support systems by 2030. In this regard, FEMSA has already managed to reach 81 percent of their employees by the end of 2023. Another corporate goal OXXO aligns with is to reach 40 percent of women in executive positions by 2030, having reached 30 percent of the target by the end of 2023.