MenCare Applauds Brazil’s Landmark Decision to Ban Corporal Punishment

Brazilian children, captured in a father's vision of fatherhoodIn June, Brazil made history as the 38th country in the world to ban all forms of corporal punishment against children. Ending physical punishment and humiliation as ways to discipline children and adolescents is at the core of the Brazil’s Não Bata, Eduque Campaign (in English, “Don’t Hit, Educate”). As a campaign member, MenCare’s co-coordinator Equimundo applauds this landmark decision to protect children from all forms of violence under Brazilian law.

“We know that violence against children can lead to social, emotional, psychological and classroom problems,” said Vanessa do Nascimento Fonseca, program coordinator at Equimundo. “An education without physical punishment supports the foundation of trust between a child and a caregiver. The implementation of the law will prevent children from being placed in situations where they are at risk of physical abuse. The toughest punishment is a warning, so this law serves as a preventive measure and guarantees the rights of children and adolescents.”

As part of the Não Bata, Eduque Campaign last year, Equimundo launched the children’s book Vento no Rosto (in English, “Wind on my Face”), which promotes violence-free education from the perspective of children. This spring, Vento no Rosto won the 3rd Annual Avon Communications Award for Community Change, which recognizes organizations whose innovative communication strategies help to transform communities, institutions, policies and behaviors to prevent and end violence against women and children.

Ending corporal punishment is one of MenCare’s policy focus areas, and the campaign has produced various materials on children’s rights and positive parenting. MenCare’s co-coordinator Sonke Gender Justice recently authored eight Corporal Punishment Fact Sheets that debunk common myths about corporal punishment and promote positive discipline and caregiving.