Mozambique’s Fanelo Ya Mina Institute pursues gender equality through responsible fatherhood campaign

Mozambique Posters set

To celebrate Children’s Month in June in Mozambique, Fanelo Ya Mina Institute re-launched its “You Are My Father” (“Tu és o meu Papá”) campaign targeting Mozambican men. The campaign seeks to challenge the individual and structural gender determinants related to parenting and caregiving that reinforce inequality.

Major campaign activities thus far have included a consultation with partners; a public debate on “The Role of Fathers in Caregiving: Reflections on Individual and Structural Factors that Perpetuate Inequalities in Caregiving in Mozambique, Challenges and Opportunities”; a gallery of posters and photos; a public march; and dissemination of campaign messages in public spaces throughout the city and province of Maputo.

Learn more about Fanelo Ya Mina here.