10 ways to leave gender inequality behind and give our children the care they need We believe that true equality between men and women will not be reached until men and boys take on 50 percent of the caregiving and domestic work. Equal leave policies for both parents – policies that are well-paid and non-transferable …
On November 3, 2023, MenCare hosted the fifth webinar in the CARING series, Normalize Equal Parental Leave, highlighting strategic recommendations from the State of the World’s Fathers report. Our expert panel includes parents, lawyers, and advocates with a wide range of experiences navigating and advancing access to paid parental leave, including advocates who worked on the groundbreaking case that just granted equal …
რას ვგულისხმობთ, როცა მამების დეკრეტული შვებულების მნიშვნელობაზე ვლაპარაკობთ? – შვილებთან მეტი დროის გატარებას, რაც დადებითად აისახება ბავშვის განვითარებაზე; – თანასწორ მშობლობას, რაც ასე სჭირდებათ ბავშვებს, თუმცა ხშირად უგულებელყოფილია გენდერული სტრეოტიპების გამო; – პარტნიორის მხარდაჭერას, რაც მნიშვნელოვან გავლენას ახდენს ქალის ჯანმრთელობაზე, ზრდის ჰარმონიას წყვილის ურთიერთობაში და ხელს უწყობს პიროვნულ თუ კარიერულ წინსვლას. წყვილს შორის პასუხისმგებლობების თანაბრად …
Greetings MenCare partners and colleagues. As we are drawing closer towards the end of 2022, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to each one of you for the amazing work that you are doing in your countries to promote the global fatherhood campaign. This year has been an amazing one with the Co-Coordinators …
Launching Thursday, June 18, before Father’s Day 2020: Join us in showing each other how you care for your children – as well as your family, your community, and yourself – and in advocating for support for all parents and caregivers Visit the social media toolkit to download #HowICare graphics and messaging. About the #HowICare Campaign …
MenCare is coordinated by Equimundo and Sonke Gender Justice in collaboration with steering committee members Save the Children Sweden, Oxfam GB, Plan International Sweden, and the MenEngage Alliance. MenCare has local and national campaigns active in over 60 countries, implemented by MenCare’s partners. For more information about our partners and their work, see the list below. Americas Canada | Chile | Costa …
MenCare is a global fatherhood campaign active in more than 60 countries across five continents. We’re promoting men’s active, equitable and nonviolent involvement as fathers and caregivers around the world. Through media campaigns, program development, and advocacy, we work with partners across the globe to engage men as caregivers and fathers. We work with men …
Co-Coordinators Editorial MenCare 50/50 Commitment for Employers MenCare 50/50 Commitment applications are now open! We are accepting Expressions of Interest from businesses to be included in the 2023 cohort of the MenCare 50/50 Commitment for Employers. To sign the Commitment, employers must have tangible plans or show progress on two or more of the following: …
It’s time for men to commit to doing a fairer share of the care work at home, and men around the world are being invited to do just that. With the MenCare 50/50 commitment, men can share how they show up as dedicated, present caregivers to their grandparents, parents, partners, community, children, etc. We know …
From promoting paid parental leave to raising awareness of the harmful effects of corporal punishment, our advocacy efforts aim to target and change policies of inequality. MenCare provides call-to-action platforms to guide partners in taking on local, national, and international advocacy efforts. The MenCare 50/50 Commitment is an initiative to accelerate men’s uptake of 50 …