A tour of 16 MenCare countries in 16 days

16-Days-of-ActivismFrom November 25th to December 10th, thousands of organizations and individuals around the world united in support of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, a global campaign to raise awareness and gain wider support to end gender-based violence. We participated by highlighting 16 of the MenCare countries that are working to prevent gender-based violence around the world.

Country #1: Brazil and workshops with male perpetrators of violence

MenCare+ Brazil carries out reflective groups with male perpetrators of violence against women, using a responsibility-based approach.

Country #2: Vietnam and its media campaign against domestic violence

This year, MenCare Vietnam launched a media campaign to prevent domestic violence in three provinces. The campaign attracted thousands of participants, forming a widespread movement to prevent domestic violence by promoting caring, non-violent relationships.

Country #3: India and “A More Equal Future”

MenCare launched the manual “A More Equal Future,” designed to help fathers, daughters, and families in India critically examine and change norms that support child marriage – a form of violence against women and girls.

Country #4: Rwanda and the “Bandebereho” campaign

The MenCare+ Rwanda “Bandebereho” campaign addresses topics such as caregiving, prenatal care, sharing the care work at home, and preventing violence. The campaign’s group education sessions have reached over 1,500 participants to date.

Country #5: Bulgaria and the “Being a Father” Campaign

MenCare Bulgaria’s new “Being a Father” campaign aims to increase the number of fathers who are actively involved in childcare by providing them with access to practical resources about caregiving and how to create a supportive, nonviolent family environment.

Country #6: Indonesia and “Outbound with Partners”

MenCare+ Indonesia held a series of workshops called “Outbound with Partners” to prevent gender-based violence by discussing GBV and its consequences, as well as increasing knowledge about healthy, equitable relationships.

Country #7: South Africa and counseling for men who have used IPV

MenCare+ South Africa provides counseling to men who have used violence in intimate partner relationships to help them to stop the violence, learn healthy alternatives, and establish a peer support network.

Country #8: Turkey and “You Are My Father”

MenCare Turkey’s “You Are My Father” campaign encourages men to question traditional norms around manhood and reflect on their roles as fathers in order to prevent violence.

Country #9: Guatemala and Program P

MenCare Guatemala has held dozens of sessions with healthcare workers to train them in promoting male involvement in maternal and child health by using Program P. This manual identifies best practices on engaging men in maternal and child health, caregiving, and preventing violence against women and children.

Country #10: Latvia and fatherhood groups

MenCare Latvia has organized groups for fathers that focus on themes like positive discipline, a father’s role throughout pregnancy, and the importance of being involved.

“It took me an hour and a half to travel to the fathers’ group and the same amount of time to get back home, but it was worth it. I would do it all over again.”

Country #11: Chile and the Active Fatherhood Guide

MenCare Chile launched an Active Fatherhood Guide for fathers of preschool-aged children, which discusses the benefits of being an active father and the importance of nonviolence.

Country #12: Russia and “Men Can Do It”

This year, MenCare Russia launched “Men Can Do It,” a new MenCare campaign Russian-language website for Eastern Europe, to better disseminate information about men’s involvement as equitable, nonviolent fathers and caregivers.

Country #13: Moldova and adult education to end violence

An adult education program was launched in Moldova to engage young fathers and men in preventing family violence.

Country #14: Nicaragua and “Vos sos mi papá”

MenCare Nicaragua created a fatherhood campaign called “Vos sos mi papá” that used innovative messaging to promote men’s involvement in bringing up their children, and to avoid the use of violence against their partners and children. This campaign won a finalist sport in the 2014 Avon Communications Awards.

Country #15: Peru and the fatherhood photography contest

MenCare Peru held a nationwide photography contest to increase visibility of fathers involved in care work, and to promote models of fatherhood that are active, affectionate, and gender equitable.

Country #16: Sri Lanka and fatherhood-training workshops

MenCare Sri Lanka has transformed the lives of hundreds of fathers and families by implementing fatherhood-training workshops. The program has helped participants transform norms and become more involved, nonviolent fathers, caregivers, and partners.