This story was authored by Stevan Lynn, Deeds Driven Dads.
Deeds Driven Dads was recently honored by the historic Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) as Ambassador to the Sustainable Community Development Movement, a regional social and economic building initiative created in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, encompassing a myriad of sustainable community initiatives from innovative entrepreneurship to closing the digital divide.
Deeds Driven Dad’s mission of working with fathers across the Caribbean has been recognized as being of vital importance in achieving lasting community sustainability with new cutting-edge ideas, opportunities, and workforce trainings and services, weaning off the increased dependency of tourism as the major source of economic stability.
It is in this light that Deeds Driven Dads has established the Caribbean Fatherhood Coalition, galvanizing the region in organizing resources, information, trainings, advocacy, opportunities, and education for fathers and father figures, thereby creating a unified approach in addressing longstanding issues that have adversely affected families, communities, and nations.
Our motto stands true now more than ever…”Fatherhood is Deeds not Words!”