The World Vision Lanka - Ambagamuwa Area Programs (AP) graduation ceremony was held on Sunday, September 15, at Maskeliya PMD Hall.
In Asia Pacific, MenCare partners are engaging men as caregivers and as fathers through powerful media campaigns, high-impact program development, and local- and national-level advocacy initiatives in eight countries. In Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam, our partners focus on issues from violence against women and gender equality to child protection and maternal health.
Across the region, MenCare partners engage men in active fatherhood through fathers’ groups, couples’ education, and media and advocacy campaigns. As part of the campaign, a moving film from Sri Lanka tells the story of a father who becomes the primary caregiver to his children, while his wife works abroad to support their family. In Indonesia, programming coupled with community campaigns aims to prevent gender-based violence, and work with the health sector provides an entry point to engage men in maternal and child health. In India, group education is transforming fathers’ attitudes toward child marriage, while in Vietnam, religious leaders are integrating content on gender equality and domestic violence prevention into their premarital programs.
For more information on MenCare in Asia Pacific, check out the regional highlights below, and visit Indonesia’s Laki Laki Peduli website in Indonesian.
The World Vision Lanka - Ambagamuwa Area Programs (AP) graduation ceremony was held on Sunday, September 15, at Maskeliya PMD Hall.
Society for Equality, Respect And Trust for All Sabah (SERATA) recognized fathers who are present in their children’s lives through their inaugural “Celebrating Fatherhood” campaign, which coincided with Father’s Day in June.
World Vision Lanka’s Nuwara Eliya Area Program (AP), a MenCare partner, recently conducted its annual graduation from the MenCare program in the Hill Country of Sri Lanka. After participating in 11 sessions to build gender-equitable parenting and caregiving skills, a total of 225 fathers graduated from the program, modeled on MenCare’s Program P. During the event, graduating fathers …
A husband who participates in family planning has a happy family. See how Jal and his wife Nong plan for their second child in Indonesia.
It's important for fathers to be involved from the start. See how Jal supports his wife Nong in giving birth – including being present in the delivery room.
Produced alongside the first-ever State of the World’s Fathers report, "Being a Father" asks fathers, mothers, and children from around the world: "What does fatherhood mean to you?"
Program P is MenCare’s manual for engaging men in fatherhood, in caregiving, and in maternal, newborn, and child health.
The State of the World’s Fathers 2019 report calls for men’s uptake of their full share of the world’s childcare and domestic work – across all societies and relationships – to advance gender equality.
The Prio Baba campaign published the accounts of the eight fathers in a photo book in Bengali titled Prio Babader Golpo (“Stories of Dear Fathers,” in English).
World Vision’s poster shows improved child care practices and nutrition through MenCare’s fatherhood Program in Sri Lanka.