Press and Media

Media Inquiries

Explore this page for information on MenCare’s key achievements, recent press, and bios of key MenCare leaders and experts.

Please contact us if you are a member of the press looking to learn more about MenCare’s impact or to interview an expert on issues related to fatherhood, caregiving, and engaging men and boys for gender equality.

For more information, email Wessel van den Berg, MenCare Officer, at

Key MenCare Achievements

  • MenCare has grown from seven countries in the campaign’s first year (2011) to a global initiative active in over 45. Our global campaign activities and partner-led local and national campaigns complement each other and strengthen the worldwide visibility of MenCare as a whole.
  • Our global MenCare films are a powerful tool to spread campaign’s message and goals. We’ve received over 25,000 online views of the films to date.
  • The MenCare campaign has been highlighted in the media over 100 times since 2012. From the Huffington Post and the Guardian to the Jakarta Post and Open Democracy, a variety of news and media outlets have put a spotlight on our innovative work in to engage men as equitable, nonviolent fathers and caregivers.
  • Our visibility has increased through participation at conference around the world – from the Clinton Global Initiative to TEDx Barcelona – where we reach and influence policy makers, thought leaders, and the media on issues ranging men’s engagement in prenatal health visits to paid parental leave policies.
  • Through innovative programming, media campaigns, and advocacy, we estimate that MenCare has reached approximately 44 million people around the world.

MenCare Around the World

Expert Bios

Gary Barker

Gary BarkerGary Barker is President and CEO of Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice (formerly Promundo-US). He has conducted extensive global research and program development around engaging men and boys in gender equality and violence prevention, and is a leading voice for the worldwide effort to establish positive, healthy dynamics between men and women. Gary is the co-founder of MenCare, a global campaign to promote men’s involvement as equitable, non-violent caregivers, and co-founder of MenEngage, a global alliance of more than 600 NGOs and UN agencies working toward gender equality. He coordinates IMAGES (the International Men and Gender Equality Survey), a pioneering multi-country survey of men’s attitudes and behaviors related to violence, fatherhood, and gender equality, among other themes. He is a member of the UN Secretary General’s Men’s Leaders Network and has been honored with an Ashoka Fellowship, a fellowship from the Open Society Institute, and the Vital Voices Solidarity Award. Gary earned a PhD in child and adolescent development from Loyola University in Chicago and a Master’s degree in Public Policy from Duke University.

Mphokuhle Mabhena

Mphokuhle Mabhena – Lunga (Mpho) is a MenCare Global Co-Coordinator. She is the Child Rights and Positive Parenting Regional Coordinator at Sonke Gender Justice in Cape Town. Mpho brings to the position years of experience working on projects and campaigns with refugees and migrants, religious leaders, and faith-based organizations through her previous role at Sonke as a Refugee Health and Rights (RHR) trainer. Through her later role as a senior trainer within the Social and Structural Drivers (SSD) Portfolio, as well as through her work within the Regional Programmes Unit (RPU), Mpho holds experience working with the 22 African countries within MenEngage Africa (MEA). Mpho holds a BSc Honours Degree in Journalism and Media Studies from the National University of Science and Technology in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.